Saturday, June 15, 2013

Appropriate outfit for an interview

Appropriate outfit for an interview

You have an appointment for an interview and you do not know what to wear? It is a common problem… The golden rule is not to overuse anything. It is good to have a nice manicure but it should not be long or in bright color. Nobody will blame you for wearing your favorite high heels but do not forget what impression you want to leave in your eventual employers. It is nice the heel of the shoe not to be over 7 cm especially if you are at an interview for a serious position when clothing is really important.
It is good to think in advance what the dress code is at the company. If when you first walk in you leave an impression you are part of the organization what you say and show will be accepted more deeply and seriously. Always avoid blouses with inappropriate necklines or too short skirts. As for skirts – it is best their length not to be shorter than four fingers below the knee so you can create an impression of esthetic style and at the same time not to feel uncomfortable when you decide to sit down.
Colors that you use should be coordinated with the position you apply for. In fields as law the clothing is strictly set and neutral colors as gray, beige and black are preferable. If you aim to work at an advertising agency you can allow yourself to be braver because it is supposed that people there are more creative, active and are interested in the different.
The image you create entering the room for the interview can ease you in your communication or it can play a bad joke on you so be careful. Before coming out of the house see yourself carefully – it is good to be clean, light perfume, no excessive jewelry and accessories (they distract the attention), elegant hair depending on your preferences.
And do not forget – appearance can ease you but most important is to shine with brains and professionalism.

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