Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ladies business style

Ladies business style


Maybe there is not a single woman in the world who is not a fashion lover. For some it is passion, for others – a necessity. A necessity, because the appearance is of great importance.
Stylish business lady
Due to one or another reason women are always fashionable and this is reflected by their appearance. Pretty everyday t-shirts and pants or more bright clothes for clubs, the wardrobe is always full of clothes in compliance with the latest fashion tendencies.
It is strange how these fashion experts become incompetent and without any opinion when it comes to business wear. And it always comes to it.
Maybe it is because ladies suits have never been in the fashion’s agenda or because none of us ever had to wear so formal clothes in their youth.
It is a fact that the greater percentage of women does not know how to choose a business suit and how to take care of it.
The first thing we should think about when we dress formally is accessories. No matter how skillfully we combine coat with pants or a skirt we will always look a little boring without accessories to complete them.
One of the obligatory accessories completing the ladies suit is the little leather bag, no strap. As a color it is best to choose black, gray or something similar as long as it is universal. Still, it will be worn with every suit.
The other thing you should clarify before choosing official clothing is where it would be worn. Usually there are two types of suits: evening and business suits.
Evening suits exist to show us that the official wear is not only for the office. Many other occasions like: dinner at a restaurant, theater or wedding require something more formal.
Here you are free. You can use light materials like lien or combine it with various accessories like bracelets and necklaces. For business suits limitations and huge and we cannot afford experiments. The coat is most often combined with pants.
In cases when we combine it with a skirt it should be with appropriate length – never above the knee. As an accessory we can put on a fine necklace but only when we wear an unbuttoned shirt of course. The color should not be too much. It is recommended the necklace to be silver.
You will never go wrong if you dress stylishly and even conservatively at the office. Choose only neutral colors and do not experiment with clothing. Your professionalism will be highly appraised for sure.

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